
Information, FAQ, Etc.

Music is live, all the time. Rants are whenever.

Please share this live stream (website) if you like it. 😁

Answers to some common questions you may have.

Who runs RantCast.Live?

Just a guy that's had a lot of bad things happen to him. I feel like the universe is against me because all I get dealt is nothing but setbacks and heartache. No amount of positive thinking can change that. This live stream is my way of venting (ranting). Therapy if you will. I prefer to remain anonymous, thank you very much.

What kind of music does the live stream play?

Currently it's only playing modern classical music. Yes, it seems odd considering the name of the website (RantCast.Live). I personally find the music rather soothing. There will be more variety added later.

When are the rants?

There is no set schedule. If the live stream gains a following then I'll set one. Until then (if ever), you'll just have to see if I broadcast while you're listening.

Who are the guests?

They're people I know, some of which, I've had to twist their arm into participating. I asked nicely at first!

Copyright Complaints

I chose all the music from sources that claim they're copyright and royalty free. I attribute all the artists and sources when the track is playing. The license information is available on the respective source website. I'm also not selling the music or modifying its original content. However, in light of all that, if there is still a complaint about a music track in this live stream and you are the owner / copyright holder, I will remove it from the playlist immediately -- Not a problem! Send an email to webmaster at the this domain name with the song name and artist, along with proof of ownership. Namaste 🙏

Live Stream & Browser Issues

Trying to make a website and live stream compatible with every device is damn near impossible. I'm doing my best here to resolve all the issues that I encounter and the ones brought to my attention by my listeners.

Current issues that I know of:

End of info. March 2024.


Always Give Credit Where It's Due

This is an experimental live stream of music and commentary. It was built from the ground up with lots of search engine queries, trial and error, and wanting to drive my fist through the wall when things didn't work. Alas however, I finally achieved a pleasing level of success.

Why did I do it? Sure there are existing apps out there that can accomplish the same thing, much better too, but it was a challenge in creating something I've never attempted before. I've learned a lot to say the least.

The underlying technology for the back-end is JavaScript (Node) with FFMpeg and FFServer running on a Raspberry Pi. The front-end is vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a dash of PHP. Pretty basic.

This project is still in the works. There are issues with the stream cutting out, crashing at times, and iOS devices refusing to cooperate. Tackling one issue at a time is all I can do. I'm not sure how much load the server can handle, but if it ends up choking, then I'll maybe go a compiled language route.

On to the credits. Everyone deserves recognition for what they put out on the internet, even though they had no direct part in the creation of RantCast.Live, props are due nonetheless.

Music & Audio Clips

This accounts for the core of this live stream, otherwise it would be dead silent except for the occasional rants. Who wants that? The music sources are

Each artist and source is attributed when a track is playing. Licensing information can be found on the respective website. Thank you to all the artists for your hard work and excellent music.

Voice Filters

The voice broadcasting is via WebRTC with MediaRecorder magic. I use a handful of voice changers for myself and my guests. The JavaScript code came from voicechanger.io and thanks to the author for making it available.

Website Font

Many sampled, only one prevailed. It came from DaFont.com and it's called Bad Suabia Swing by Bumbayo Font Fabrik. Thanks for such a great looking font.

Popup Overlay

The informational popup overlay for the footer links comes from the Easy Inline Modal Window (Simple Popup) script. Thanks to the author for making it (I did make an adjustment to the click handler event by including preventDefault() so the URL wouldn't get the hash appended).

Loading Icon

It was a tough decision, but I chose the Ellipsis CSS icon for the loading (wait) status. It came from loading.io and thanks to them for putting it out there.


I didn't invent the wheel on everything. Thanks to the creators of these packages and technologies that I used to put it all together.

Last But Not Least

Making it all work from searches on Google, StackExchange posts, SuperUser posts, web articles, and some YouTube videos for different aspects that I got stuck on.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything, but if I did, I'll revise this page.

End of credits. March 2024.


Terms, Disclaimer, The Legals

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I have one on retainer, so there aren't any legal firm generated terms of use here. It's only my laymen version and here it goes... First and foremost, don't be a copycat and take something from this website and claim it's yours. 90% of everything I use for this live stream and website comes from other people and they have been credited. All the music, audio clips, fonts, technologies, and other supported materials, have been listed on the Credits page (see the website footer). 1% is what I can't remember. One example being, the original microphone photo source and the tutorial I used to change its appearance. I'm crossing my fingers that the manufacturer won't send their legal team after me for using their microphone pic without their permission. The remaining 9% is MY web development and MY streaming server codebase. It's all custom, baby.

The disclaimer is that this website has live broadcasts where I voice my opinion and my guests voice theirs. We use voice filters to disguise them and aliases to protect our identities. Our topics vary and it's all about producing (quality) entertainment. AFAIK, we won't say, and haven't said, anything too offensive. However, I know this world is filled with fragile eggs that get offended easily at the smallest slight. If you're one of them then this website isn't for you. I recommend you seek therapy. Back to the point. It's guaranteed that there will be absolutely no hate speech and the likes. I don't tolerate it -- if that makes you feel better. Enjoy the broadcast!

The only thing I can claim to be my own is the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (unless noted otherwise), used to produce the website and live stream. I'd say copyright by so-in-so but I must remain anonymous. The two back-end components I use, FFMpeg and FFServer, are not mine. Copyright their creator(s).

Last bit, the name RantCast and this website, have ZERO affiliation with any other similar names or websites. I don't believe the name is trademarked, but if it is, I suppose I'll be getting a letter in the mail.

By using this website (RantCast.Live) and live stream, you agree that there is no warranty, no support, and is provided "AS IS", and you will use completely at your own risk.

End of terms. March 2024.
